Previous Work

Blog post for Mad Innovative and First Step Alliance

I worked with marketing agency Mad Innovative on a blog post for the non-profit First Step Alliance. I researched, wrote, edited, and keyword optimized an article discussing similarities and differences between the US and UK carceral systems. I also responded to edits in a timely manner and adhered to predetermined deadlines.

Speculative Copy for Imaginary and Pairfect

As part of the Creative Copywriting Course from with ilovecreatives, I wrote a variety of copy for a fictional creative meditation app called “Imaginary”. Examples of my work are linked below!

Imaginary SEO and Product Description

Imaginary Email Copy Brief

Imaginary Social Media Copy

I also wrote speculative copy for Philadelphia-based matchmaking start-up Pairfect to supplement my assignments. Copy is linked below!

Pairfect Example Copy

Soltality Music Festival Promotional Copy

I worked with Rochester-based events company Lucid Hippo Productions to design and write social media copy to promote the Soltality Music Festival which the company organized.

Soltality Music Festival Training Montage

To promote Rochester, NY based band Daydreams, I developed, directed, shot, and edited this reel which advertised their performance at the Soltality Music Festival for the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024.

Where Math and Culture Collide

Linked here, is an article I wrote for the special Science and Culture issue of UK-based science magazine Kinesis. For this article I researched the topic of ethnomathematics, a school of study which investigates the different was cultures used math to suit their specific needs.

The Future Then and Now

I wrote this article for MODO magazine as part of their 20th anniversary celebration. The theme centered on "retrospect and innovation". My article explored the view of the future through the lens of the past with a focus on the prominence of future forward fashion trends in the 1960s.